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Chronic Pain

I resolved my own chronic back pain using hypnotherapy after 3 years of suffering! I’ve helped client's who have tried everything else do the same. My clients say things like: “I have my life back”! ​ “I can’t believe how easy this is”! “I’m amazed”! “This really works”! But how does hypnosis work to control pain? Our mind, body, and brain create the feeling of pain. We’ve known for a long time that pain is felt in the mind. That is why an amputee can feel pain in a limb that has been amputated. However, new science has shown that the pain that is felt is not just determined by physical input… But also by Psychological and Social Factors like Stress, and Beliefs. And Scientists have discovered that prior experiences contribute to how much pain we feel, because our brain functions based on learned responses. It can become over-sensitive, and overactive. When this happens, it is called Chronic Benign Pain Syndrome. Brain imaging has shown actual changes to the brains structure in patients with chronic pain. However these changes in the brain don’t have to be permanent. We can reprogram the brain so that we are no longer in a state of un-necessary, chronic pain! Studies have shown that we can decrease the frequency and intensity of pain and often get rid of it completely Using simple and effective cognitive interventions… And that is how I am able to show you how to manage your own pain by using the power of your own mind combining hypnosis and cognitive pain management techniques. That is how I learned to effectively re-program my mind and put and end to my own chronic back pain! And now I'm helping my client's do the same thing!



My smoking cessation program is 6 weeks. This 6 week program has more consistent results than one-session hypnosis. I use techniques that have been passed down to me by hypnotherapists who have successfully helped clients quit smoking for over 20 years! Why 6 sessions? Often clients who have been hypnotized for smoking in just one session start a new habit, like eating, or they quit for awhile then start again... but my 6 week program is designed to get to the root of it and I use several techniques so that you develop healthier habits instead of replacing smoking with new bad habits. Plus, I teach you how to self-hypnotize so that you can maintain a new healthy lifestyle. That way when you experience a stressful event in life you know what to do to maintain it instead of returning to an old bad habit! Start breathing clean air! Save money not buying cigarettes! Add years to your life! Empower yourself!

Girl with Arms Stretched Out

Freedom from Fears, Phobias, Anxious and Sad Feelings

About 15 years ago, I experienced disabling fear that took control of my life. I had to learn how to replace my negative thought patterns with positive thinking to bring myself out of a downward spiral that had left me unable to function. The importance of that stayed with me, but until I studied to become a hypnotherapist, I didn’t understand how our subconscious mind intensely affects every area of our lives. I didn’t understand how or why what I did to replace my negative thought patterns worked. And I didn’t realize that there was a faster, easier way! That way is hypnotherapy. Because of my experience with living in disabling fear I am able to better understand my clients who deal with anxious feelings, fears, phobias and sad feelings very well. Being able to teach others how to use the power of their own mind to live more peaceful, happy, healthy, and successful lives is why I do what I do.   I have helped clients with agoraphobia, fear of flying, and fear of driving. The techniques that have been passed down to me by my teachers who are gurus in the field of hypnotherapy have worked for a wide array of fears, phobias, anxious feelings and sadness. These techniques tend to work quickly and my clients are experiencing significant improvements in just a few sessions.


Raise Subconsciously
Healthy Children

Consciously Raise subconsciously healthy children. As parents we want our kids to have the happiest, healthiest, most successful lives possible. Well, it starts with us! Our negative subconscious programming affects our emotions, reactions and behavior and that affects our kids. We can replace negative subconscious beliefs with positive beliefs leading to positive actions and more patient, connected parenting. We can then pass these skills down to our kids helping them to be happier, healthier, more confident, and successful humans! We can start during or even before pregnancy, but NOW is the best time no matter your childs age!

Warrior Two Pose

Manage Weight, Get in Shape
or Quit Sugar

It’s never been about willpower! We do what we are programmed to do.  I understand because I’ve been there. I have struggled with my weight, and my Dr. even told me I was obese. However; I greatly improved my health when I quit sugar and dairy and lost 43 pounds. I even decreased my blood glucose level from 100 to 83. I’ve helped clients with weight loss by teaching them how to use the power of their own minds. You see, we do what we are programmed to do, and reprogramming our minds and forming new habits can take a lot of time. However; my 6 week weight loss program is designed to teach you how to reprogram your own mind utilizing the hypnotic state so that you get results faster and maintain them over time! I also have a disease called lipedema that makes it harder to lose weight. Obesity and Lipedema are not the same thing, but they often co-exist. Being over-weight can make lipedema symptoms worse! If you have lipedema and are struggling to lose weight, I understand and utilizing hypnotherapy can help you lose weight and improve your over health.

Leg Injury

Medical Support
Clinical Hypnotherapy

Medical Support Hypnotherapy has been shown to accelerate the natural healing process, decrease anxious feelings, and can be used as a non-pharmaceutical means of pain management. The science of epigenetics has shown that the environment plays an important role in how our body functions. The environment of our cells includes the environment inside and outside of our body. It includes our thoughts and emotions, as well as what we put in our body and the energy around us. Stress causes inflammation which is one of the major causes of modern diseases such as diabetes, cancer and dementia. When you reduce stress you live longer. Just being in hypnosis is very healing because it activates your parasympathetic nervous system and stops the stress response. I can also teach you how to work with your body's divine healing intelligence by learning the language of your subconscious mind and how to communicate with your body via self-hypnosis.

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